Rubens in the Prado


Rubens in the Prado

Next Tuesday 25th the Museo del Prado will present a very interesting exhibition about Ruben. In the 1625 Isabel Clara Eugenia commissioned a serial of paintings on wood representing the Triumph of Eucharist, with the intention of using those models to do 6 tapestries. This paintings have been object of an important restoration in which all the transformations that were done on them during the XVIIIth century have been removed. Now the 6 paintings will be presented for the first time together and restored, along with 4 of the tapestries. This exhibition will remain opened until July 29th, and then will travel to Los Angeles to be shown at the J. Paul Getty Museum   Links: httpss://   i   httpss:// httpss://   i   httpss:// httpss://

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Amb el pas dels anys el recolzament dels companys, col•leccionistes i amics, han fet del nostre negoci un punt de trobada per a amants de l’art i ens han permès formar part de la història de centenars de peces.

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