Almoneda open its doors one more year


Almoneda open its doors one more year

Next Saturday 29th of March will open its doors the fair Almoneda of Madrid, which will remain opened until Sunday 6th of April. With more than 120 exhibitors will show a bast range of unique, rare and collectible objects. Clavell & Morgades will participate on it one more year, with a booth filled with affordable objects among which will stand out some artworks for the stricter collector.   Delft pottery, important European ivory’s, rare objects of the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth century and toys from the early XXth century are some of the objects that will be able to be acquired in our booth, located on the corridor D number 26. Link:   

About Clavell Morgades

Amb el pas dels anys el recolzament dels companys, col•leccionistes i amics, han fet del nostre negoci un punt de trobada per a amants de l’art i ens han permès formar part de la història de centenars de peces.

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